Sunday 28 January 2018

A windy start

A windy start.

Ks2 had a fantastic opportunity to go to Duxford Imperial War Museum this week. With an early set off, the children were excited to see all the museum had to offer.

When we arrived the wind had reached 45 mph. It certainly was gusty.

The children had a great day looking at all of the exhibits and even talking to a survivor of the Blitz.

Have a look at the pictures below.

Sunday 21 January 2018

Urban or rural

This week in Panthers class, we have been looking at how Brazilians struggle with where they want to live. We looked at push and pull factors and how for some, moving to the city is the best thing for them. Especially as there are no jobs in the rural areas of Brazil apart from farming.

The children decided which area they want to go to and then wrote a letter to a relative to say why. I was impressed how some of the children wanted to stay in the rural areas as the air would be fresher and they didn't mind that there wasn't any work apart from farming.

Wednesday 17 January 2018

Welcome back

Wow! Didn't the Christmas holidays fly by. I hope you had a relaxing break and are looking forward to another engaging term ahead.

Already, the children have started to improve their poetic writing by looking at I am Cat by Jackie Morris. They will be sharing some of their work in assembly this week. When their finished versions are ready I will post them here to look at.

The children were ecstatic that they were doing forest schools with Miss Wones and have loved their first week. Have a look at the pictures below to see what they have been up to.

Our topic this term is South America and we have been focusing on Brazil. In art, the children have been using pastels to make rain forest animals on black sugar paper. A display of our class' art will be changing every two weeks in the hall and the ones that were voted the best by the children and staff will be on display there. Below is a gallery of all of the artwork that was created.